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Friday, July 24, 2009

Adding Product Types to Google Base Feeds

If you have not yet set-up Google Base you should start by reading this article.

You may have noticed that in your Google Base you get a warning that states "Warning: Missing recommended attribute: weight." The way Etsy has our RSS feeds set-up there is no way for this information to be included. You can however, go in and add these weights manually. Please note that your items will still appear in Google's Shopping searches with out doing this. Following these steps will just help your items to appear in relevant searches. If you decide to edit your items I recommend switching your uploads to monthly because after each upload happens all of your edits will be lost and you will have to re-enter them all by hand.

To add some attributes follow the instructions below:

1. Log into Google Base
2. Click "Active Items"
3. Click "Edit" next to the item you would like to add attributes to
4. Click any of the links under "Include additional details
for your item" on the right hand side
5. New boxes will appear, add the information for your product
6. Click "Publish" at the bottom of the page.

Don't understand something I wrote about? Have a related question? Post a comment and I will be sure to answer it. Have an unrelated question? Submit it here and I will feature it on my blog!



  1. How do the items get into Google Base?
    I set up the account after setting up the account, but don't see anything yet?


  2. Thanks for this tips. By the way gourmandia.com is great for looking up recipes. Just want to share it to you guys. Try visiting it.
